Sage and Sunshine

26 Things Learned in 26 Years Pt. 1

Brittany Walker Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode of "Sage and Sunshine," join Brittany-Marie as she shares the first part of her journey, revealing 13 of the 26 valuable lessons she's learned in her 26 years. Focused on imparting wisdom and practical advice, Brittany-Marie delves into the lessons that have significantly impacted her life and explains why these insights are crucial. Whether you're seeking guidance or just a dose of inspiration, this episode is filled with important life lessons and advice that can resonate with anyone. Tune in for part one of "26 Things I've Learned in 26 Years" and gain valuable insights to apply to your own journey!

K M O R E Hello? Hello? Hello. And welcome to another episode of seeds and sunshine. I am your host sprit EMA. While we talk about. All things, adulting, parenthood, and any other 60 details of life that we'd like to discuss. If you're not following me on social media. With the podcast and stuff, then you would not know that I am no longer doing weekly. Every Wednesdays it's, um, every other Wednesday. So now I did not miss last Wednesday. I've decided to do that because life be lifeing and let's be for real. Um, I'm just not in a position to do that right now. But if I ever feel like, you know, I want to just. Upload a video. Uh, or upload a more content for. You all are just because I want to, um, I absolutely will do that. But for now, it is a dedicated every other week. Um, every other Wednesday schedule. So, um, yeah. And this episode is also just an audio because. Like I said, life has been lifeing and right now, I'm just trying to make, um, I'm trying to continue, of course, but I am trying to do it in a way where I am not stressed out and this is a nice outlet for me, you know? Um, but I will still be doing videos and things like that, but it won't probably be as prevalent just because I am. Quite the busy gal, especially nowadays, honey. Um, I don't really want to get into everything because, um, There's just so many great things coming to me. And, um, I'd rather speak on it when I have it. But now you cross out here working. Um, I'm not sitting on my ass shout and I'm not just taking care of my baby. Anyways, Today's episode is going to probably be as raw and uncut a possible. Because the girl really don't feel like editing today. Because today is actually Wednesday. Usually I don't do this, but here we are. I actually did have a video or you recorded. Um, But not edited. And. I don't know. I'm just not feeling like talking about that. Right now. so I decided that since it is. my birthday coming up soon. June 16th, me and my baby. Daddy's birthday. Tupac. Thank you. Pepe. and it's also a father's day. So happy. Early birthday. And father's day to us. Cause all these bitches are my sons. Uh, Yeah. So I really honestly have not cared too much about my birthday this year. Um, I'm just focused on so many other things, but elevate my life and get me, you know, to the big picture. So. I can care less. I'm glad that I'm here. I'm happy that I'm here. Of course, for my son. Um, And just to do what I want to do and do what I love. So I'm happy to be here. But, um, as far as like celebrating and doing something big, like, or planning to do something big, like, I. Uh, usually do not really effort don't really care. Um, Um, I am happy that my cousin is coming to see me though. And then my. My mom and my sister will be following right after. So that's, um, that's a birthday present and itself. I love being around my family. Um, so. That'll be nice. Otherwise. Don't be hounding me about me. Not doing nothing for my birthday. Okay. It's never that deep. Anyways. But anyways, um, my birthday got me thinking. About. What have I learned in this time, on this earth? Um, I had seen videos before about, you know, Things that I've learned, um, or 25 things I've learned by 25. And I remember last year I had started. Doing that. Um, However, I never finished the last. I never finished the list and, um, I never did anything with it. So I'm going to see if I can actually try to find the notes. Um, But so today I want to just give. 26. 26. Oh, that sound grown. That's sound cute. That's how sexy is crazy. I'm 26. I am somebody's mother. Okay. And. The world's not ready. The road is really narrow. But. Who I am at girl. I feel great. I really do. I love that for me. I did not find the list. I was hoping and find the list. You know, and gave me a little bit. You know, And I don't know, sometime the buffer. But, um, no, I guess we're going to go straight off the down. I guess there's nothing more brown. In that, huh? So, um, 26 things that I've learned. Um, by 26, honey. I want to say one of the first things that I have learned. Is that. Life. Is to be lived with intention. Um, I feel as though. Well, no, I feel as though I know. Um, There's just so many distractions in the world. And there's so much going on that, It seems like, you know, needs our attention. Clearly this world is. Insanity. This Life is really short. Time goes by fast. You know, Um, time waste for nobody. And you hear. B's sayings. And. I think. When you're younger and you're just so full of life. And you have all these hopes and dreams and aspirations. You know, Necessarily. Really. Um, focus on being intentional. Um, And that doesn't mean like, oh, I have to be. Working all the time or I have to be PR. Quote unquote, productive and doing something and yada yada, yada. Because I also feel like, especially in the black community, um, we feel as though. If we're not like. Quote, unquote, productive doing something, working on something. Um, like we can't just lie in bed. For a day. We can't regroup. We ha we have to be doing something. Um, too few, like we're valuable in this world. And, um, I don't think. That is. Necessarily, um, the, take them going when I say be intentional. Um, Because if you're not intentional about the life that you're living. You're not living life. Your life will live. You. Time. Time. Oh, I don't think I truly understood time. Which is a manmade concept anyways, but. I'll put it in perspective. When I was in high school, I felt like. And younger. I felt like. Time was moving exponentially. Slept. Okay. Um, I was. Intentional. To an extent. But to me, time was moving exponentially. Slow. And I felt like I had all peace time in the world. And I think a lot of us young feel like we have all the time in the world. Or, um, actually now a lot of us feel like we don't have the time. Well to do what we want to do and accomplish, but. Like I said during the time that I felt like I had all the time. So now I feel like my perspective of time and being intentional has changed. Um, my perception of time has definitely drastically changed. I feel quite frankly, I feel like I don't have enough, even though as humans we are offered. a great deal of time, especially if you, um, take care of yourself properly and are fortunate enough to not, you know, have any significant illnesses that take you out. Um, but yeah, um, now I feel like time, whoo, time precedes me. Time, time moves at an exponential rate to me. Um, And I think my perception with that has changed with having a child because how can you deny time when you see a little human growing and developing at an exponential rate, right in front of your eyes? It's hard to ignore. It's hard to ignore. I do. It's impossible. I don't know. Are you Delulu? It's just such a, it's such a funny, interesting concept that we have. Um, so I think me now being more intentional it's more about. being intentional about the big picture for myself and for my family. always keeping that in mind and always moving towards that and going towards things that serve me in that direction of where I want to be. So I guess that's what I mean when I say being intentional, be intentional and living the life that you want to live. Um, Whatever that means and you know, you can take little steps towards it every single day every single day so Yeah, that's what I mean the intentional Another thing That I would say i'm writing this down So I don't really say it and um Hey, so I remember Um, just to give yourself gratitude You, well, if you have an inner dialogue, um, which I've found out over the years that, you know, not everybody has an inner dialogue, which is mind blowing to me, but if you do have an inner dialogue, you probably talk to yourself, but you talk to yourself more than you talk to anybody else, okay? Even if it's just little things in your head, you know what I mean? A lot of the times, you know, you've heard the saying, we're our, you're your own worst critic. And it's true, you have nothing but time to live in your head and say whatever and feel whatever. Um, but a lot of the times we aren't as kind and understanding as we would be as if we were talking to a friend who's, um, going through the same thing, or feeling the same thing, or made the same mistakes, etc, etc. also in saying giving yourself gratitude, and saying that, also like, thank yourself. Constantly, you pat yourself on the back, say it out loud, say it in your head, think your brain, like, All these little pieces of you coming together. it seems so, I feel like we make life seem so ordinary. Just like I feel like we, um, think of getting birth just so ordinary. Like, yeah, that's just the thing that women do. Um, I think that it's extraordinary. I think we're extraordinary. I think we're like extraterrestrial creatures. We're the aliens. Okay. Like, I think it's not just something That should be so, just so overlooked, I guess, is what I want to say. but yeah, we really owe ourselves a lot of the gratitude and the thanks. Pat yourself on the back, thank yourself, thank your brain, for all the hard work that it does, for everything. Allowing you to get up and do all these things. Thank you brain for allowing all those processes to keep on processing correctly. Okay. I mean, some of y'all like to thank God and you can do that too, but you can thank yourself as well. Thank yourself. Thank yourself. Show gratitude and be kind. Not to just everybody else, but yourself. Honestly. You first. How about that? Another thing that I would say is learn patience. Okay. Patience is the thing that we have to learn and we have to exercise it like a muscle. because having a lack of patience can really get you outside of your body. for little, small, insignificant things. Um, and also I think the lack of patience says, it usually says a lot more about you than, um, than anybody else involved or anything else that's going on. It's, it's really more about you. Um, and I'm not gonna say like in some instances it's not, um, the cause for it for you to. Lack a little bit patience or speak up or whatever Um, especially dealing with other people because don't let people play with your time. Okay We can't get that back we're intentional about time right so don't let people play with you but But um definitely learn patience learn patience patience patience It is instant essential in every um I feel like in every aspect, in every, um, every day, every day you wake up honey, whether it's patience with others, patience with yourself, you need to learn patience. And especially, most definitely, if you want kids, do not, do not, do not. If you know that you have a real issue, a real issue with being patient. Do not go and have them kids. I swear to god It won't help you it won't help you okay, don't do it You need to get some patience first You need to practice This is something you have to practice all the time every day all day. You will be tested. You will be tested and You know, sometimes you won't you won't ace it. Okay, but at least Since you grasped patience, you can probably recognize that, hey, damn, maybe I was stripping off more than normal patience, so I can work on that the next time, or I know the next time that, da da da da. You know? Because, definitely, sometimes I get an out of body too, and I lose my motherfucking patience, and then, you know, you reflect. A little bit later and you're like, uh, Me personally, it'd be like a second later and I'd be like, Okay, well you didn't really have to act like that. You didn't really have to react like that. You could've been more patient. Or you could've been more calm. Do you know what I mean? So yeah. Learn patience. Okay, what number are we on? Number four. Okay. Number four, I would say Don't get caught up in the friend's hype and learn how to be a good friend. I'm gonna put that home and when I say get caught up in the friends hype is Cuz even I have and not necessarily just because of people But you know when you when you're on social media, and you see A group of friends, you know, who are having a good time and it seemed like they have a really good support system, yada, yada, yada. You know, everybody's besties, everybody shows up for one another, everybody's doing their thing, and it just looks like it's beautiful, you know what I mean? So it looks like something you'd wish you'd have like in a friend group. You wish you had more of a community, and maybe your friends and community don't look like how you want them to show up, I guess, in your world, so you see somebody else and it seems like, you know, wow. Having more friends would be great. And I'm not saying that it's not. Um, especially because, you know, it is harder as you get older for whatever reason, or I don't know if it's just in the 20s type thing, that, um, it's just difficult to make friends. I'm not sure what that's about, but it's just seemingly so difficult. And honestly, I think I want to blame social media a bit. I'm not going to haunt you. I'm going to blame social media. I'm going to blame the, um, work. Of course, honey, because child, we be at work. Or we got stuff to do. Um, so who has time to go out and make friends? Not everybody wants to be friends with their damn coworkers. The hell? But everybody's like, Oh, like they want their own little amazing little friend group, And yadda yadda yadda. And I think that's, of course, that's nice, that's lovely, And honestly, it might be ideal. I think it's ideal for me. Honestly, I would love, I think a community like that. I really do. Um, and I think it might be ideal for a lot of people. However, however, however, um, The second half of this number four was learn how to be a good friend. Um, I don't think that a lot of you all know how to be a good friend. Decent friend. And I don't think you all understand Decent friend. Or a lot of people understand how to really maintain certain relationships. And to have a good friend, I think you have to be a good friend. You don't just, you don't just get a friend. Well, hopefully you don't just get a friend and you're not being a good friend to them as well. Um, it's a trade off and it takes time. It takes energy. It takes, it takes a lot of stuff. Um, And I can say for myself right now, in this, space that I'm in, I don't think I really have the capacity to develop and upkeep new relationships, at least not the way that I would want to. I don't think I could show up as the great friend that I know I am and can be at this moment to new people, you know what I mean? And I wish that a lot of other people would take accountability and kind of stay the same. Cause a lot of you guys aren't good friends, aren't good people to be in any type of relationship with, whether it be platonic, or romantic or whatever, so, that's my thing. So it's like, don't get caught up in the whole, Friends thing because it's not just, you know, going out and having fun and having a good time. You're supposed to be there for your friends, child. And a lot of y'all need to learn how to be a good friend. Number five. Don't take it personal. Don't take it personal, honey. You know when I say, I mean about any and everything. Um, but specifically when dealing with people. Child, don't take it personal. People are people. People are human just like you. We have feelings, triggers, all these neurons, processes. It's a whole lot of stuff going on. People got their own lives. You are the main character in your life and other people are the main character in their own lives. So if you got a whole lot of stuff going on, you can assume they also got a whole bunch of stuff going on. So it's not always about you. It's, it's, it's not. Okay? It's not. I say this like that because um, it, it is very annoying to try to tell people like, baby, kind of get over yourself because I'm not tripping about you. I got other shit that I'm worried about. It's not about you, so don't, don't take it personal. You, you, you. Don't take it personal. cause I feel like if you start to take shit personally that people didn't direct to you. Babes, you're gonna go crazy. You're gonna start assigning things to you that wasn't even for you. Now we got if the shoe, if the shoe fits, then hey, don't wear it. And, and that's what you wanna do. And even when the shoe don't fit, you'll not break them mos in. So like I said, don't take it personal, like, don't take it personal. I remember, a recent, thing of me not taking it personal. Um, my friend, I had texted her, I think, just saying I missed her or something, and I don't think she had responded, and she hadn't responded for days, and it really wasn't like her. It's not like her at all. Um, so I was just talking to my other friend about it, and I was like, hmm, it's really not like her. So, Um, I don't feel no type of way. I just like, you know, I hope things are fine. I hope she's doing okay. Um, and we'll just see. But it's not like her. That's a little weird. I don't wanna feel No, I was like, you know, I don't wanna feel no type of way, but, um, it's just, it's not like her, but whatever. Um, dare two goes by, which is fine.'cause girl, y'all, me and my Texan skills, they have gone down the train. I used to be an amazing texter. Amazing. Now, so so. It depends on the day. It depends on the time. It depends on a lot. But anyways, yeah, she didn't, um, text back. And I was just like, you know, I don't want to take it personally, but that's, you know, that's not like her. I hope she's fine. A few days go by, like I said, and she hits me back. And I'm just like, okay, because now what if I took it personally? I know some people would have taken that shit personally and by the first or second day, if they didn't respond, their notifications would have been muted. If they would have blocked them or they would have done some extra shit. And that's just a little example. But I do feel like in every day, like there's just a lot of different examples or where people be projected and just take stuff on. And you shouldn't, don't take it personally. Relax. Relax. And that's where I say y'all need to learn how to communicate. Okay. Learn to articulate your feelings, your emotions, not passive aggressively. Okay. When I say communicate, I mean, when you communicate, this is how I say it. You need to be direct. Okay. You need to be empathetic. Okay, you also when we're talking about communicating to that doesn't mean you're doing all the talking so that means you need to actively listen You need to know how to actively listen. You need to know how to comprehend What is being said to you and I don't know but the those those are the tips For y'all learn how to communicate. It is essential. It is a essential Okay, I don't mean communicate over the goddamn telephone, communicate, well, okay, telephone is different. But, I mean, I don't mean communicating over text, email, none of that, social media. Communicating. Verbally communicating and articulating what it is that you're feeling, which you want to convey to the other person, being able to actively listen, comprehend, respond appropriately. Okay? Okay? That's what y'all need to work on. But yes, I think, um, Number six, learn how to communicate. Um, very valuable information. Number, what number was that? Oh, okay, so number seven, honey. Number seven. Hmm. I, I would say, Hmm. Don't, don't limit yourself based on others opinions or beliefs. Don't do that. Don't do that. One, because first of all, as far as we know, we only have one life to live and you have to live it. Nobody else. So why would you, why would you, why would you ever change or limit or alter anything? because of somebody else's opinions or beliefs. Trash that immediately. Um, two, everybody has opinions and beliefs or people. It is what it is. Whether their opinion or beliefs align with yours, it doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter, especially if you're not it doesn't really matter. Also. Guess that's not the reason is because we live in a world where there's just infinite amount of opportunities and things to do, and things to accomplish and think experiences and things like that. So why would you ever, because they don't know it all either. So why would you ever listen to somebody who don't even know everything? And if somebody tell you that they know everything they do they some motherfucking lie and you should get away quickly. The hell? And also I just think it holds yourself back. It holds yourself back from amazing opportunities from what, what aligns with you and your values and what you want out of life. So don't ever. Don't ever limit yourself. If people, if everybody limit themselves based on other opinions or beliefs, we would never progress in any type of way. It would be absolutely horrific. I think also, I think people also limit themselves because of what they think people are going to say. Like people are, people are going to think, um, before they've even said or thought anything, you know, we perceive. What a reaction is going to be and you know, sometimes we limit ourselves based off of that and it's just such a disservice to not only ourselves, but potentially the world. You don't know what kind of difference you can make. And we can all make a difference. The hell? Gee. You see what we've done already? Now I know it looks crazy and it looks a mess. But really think about all that we've done already. All that you've done yourself already. Big yourself up. Stop. Stop it. Stop it. Y'all will never get anywhere in life if you limit yourself. This is the limitless life. And if you limit yourself, you are gonna limit your, You just limit everything. You limit yourself, then that limits, I feel like, things that, potential opportunities and things and experiences that align with you, um, you'll be limited to how they come to you, um, if they come to you. Because if you really want this one thing, then you need to be focused and about and have the big picture of, hey, I'm gonna get there. Instead of being scary and saying no, no, no, I'm gonna stay over here because There's this and that Stuff outside of your control Hang it up. Hang it up Number eight. Number eight is, I'm kind of throwing shots with this one but number eight is you do not have to know everything and heavy on the, you'll never. And if you think you know everything, you're stupid. And I said what I said, I think you're dumb as rocks. If you think, if you really think that you know everything, I think you're stupid as fuck. Because that's a limited mindset to me. For you to believe that you know everything, you don't, you don't. I've always said it. I hate people who walk around with the arrogance about them that they know it all. Because it just shows to me that you don't and it just, to me, it just points out in every area that you lack when you think you know it all. I know nothing, as far as I'm concerned, and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that. And then also, I don't know what it is with a lot of you that feel like you have to like figure out the world and you need answers. Calm down. How about y'all figure out something else, like, figure out how to make them cancel our student debt instead of y'all arguing about, No, the earth is really flat. Or y'all worried about, Why this is this and is this the only life we live? Well if you spend the whole time worrying about is this the only life we live, this life gon pass yo ass and I guess you gon see it end. I'm like, I don't, I don't know. What more do you want? What more do you want? I feel like when you're, when you're in your head feeling like you have to, feeling crazy because you don't know anything or you have to figure out everything or you have to, you just have to know this. Are you living? Like what do you do? What are you actually doing? What are you doing? Why is it keeping you up at night? Why? I think the beauty in life is that we don't know everything. Literally, how boring of a journey would this be if we all knew everything? How boring? How boring? How How many of us would sit there and play a video game over and over and over again if we had to do the exact same thing over Thing to the T. Because we knew everything. What, where's the fun in that video game? Where's the fun? The fun is in the constant change. The only thing in life that is constant is change. The unknowing. That's, that's what makes this so fun and special. If everything went your way, sure, maybe you would love it. Maybe you would, maybe you would say that you love it. How boring. You know, just like they say, you know, with the rain and the sun. What, what they say with the rain and the sun, you know, to um, or the rainbow, you know, to see the rainbow, you gotta rain, something like that. I don't fucking know. But the point is, you gotta have both. Okay. And it's fine not to know everything and to live in the unknown. I honestly figured that out a long time ago. I, I wish a lot of people would join. Like, do you know how many, how many people in the brain cells that were used and abused to try to figure out something that I feel really, you ain't even got no business trying to figure it out. Keep it pushing and live the life that you want to live before it lives you. Number nine, I'd say do it all, do everything. Do everything. Everything that your heart desires. And whether it looks quote unquote correct. And I don't mean correct in like, I guess I mean correct in like the path. Cause you know, everybody has their own path. Um, and your path, your journey of course may not look correct to everybody. And the things you do and um, participate in might not look like that for everybody. But I still say do it all. Whether it be You know, activities that you want to do, whether it be different careers that you want to go into, whether you want to move 50 million times, whether you want to, whatever. Do it all. Do it all when you can. I mean, I still got a long ways to go. But I think I can say, I really don't have any regrets in my life so far. I really don't think I can say, be like, sit here and say like, Ooh, I truly regret that. Because I feel like for the most part, I've done it all. What I've really wanted to do. Whether it look right in the moment to anybody, whatever, I just do it. Do it and go full speed ahead. And hey, if it doesn't work out, if you don't enjoy it, whatever, whatever it is, then hey, well at least you can say that you did it. cause I feel like in my life so far, with even all that is yet to come and to be accomplished, Shit, I think I lived a pretty damn good life, and I'm proud of myself. Yeah, do it all people. You know, I've moved to states where I have never even stepped foot in before I moved there just because I said yeah. I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna do it. Um, it's made me meet some amazing people that I still keep in touch with today. It's made me, um, just see different parts of the world, child, and just see how they live. And, um, it's always been, for the most part, an amazing experience. Just doing what I feel I should do. Which is doing what whatever my heart desires. So just do it, like Nike. Okay, they said, they knew, they knew, just do it. Number 10, health and wellness. Okay, this is something that I've learned, but I am still working on. when it comes to the health and wellness thing. Um, I don't feel like it was drilled into a lot of kids or to a lot of people in general. Um, how much, okay. I feel like we were taught this scientific way of, you know, what's inside our body and how it works per se, per se. But there is never really This deep connection, per se, I guess, between like, the person, at least I'll speak for myself, especially as a child, um, I don't know, to like really get in tune with your body. I don't feel like I've ever, um, actively tried to get in tune with my body until I was around 23, 24. And that's when I started to feel like, Oh, okay. Okay. I don't know, where I just understood and I just felt, I felt the best that I had. Probably all my life. Yeah, that is extremely, extremely, extremely important. And for me personally, I mean, when you, when I think, and it speaks to how your body responds to how important it is. It really does. I can tell a major difference, of course, when I'm, Um, consistently exercising and eating well, and I can tell the difference when I'm not as mobile and not eating well, or at all, or enough, um, and, yikes, is what I can say is, yikes, I really wish that we were, taught how food and plants really are medicine and how, they interact with our bodies and things like that. I truly wish we were taught that and it was instilled in us as children. I really hope to instill that in my children. That, you know, food and plants or medicine and being in tune with your body and knowing and listening to your body is extremely important. I feel like we listen to our body in different ways, but we don't always listen to it when it comes to the health and aspects, health, health and wellness aspect of it. Um, I think we listen when, you know, We listen when we're in pain sometimes, or we listen when we have like a gut feeling. Um, but again, I don't necessarily feel like a lot of people are really in tune with their bodies and are listening to their bodies to then do better for their bodies. You know what I mean? And you only got one. So, y'all better make that shit work. Make that shit shake. Y'all better get up and move, work. Okay, if you don't want nobody wiping your ass, then get up. Get up. Be consistent and get up, literally. Um, working in a nursing rehabilitation home was an absolutely amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing experience. and it was very, inspirational to see an 103 year old up every morning, up walking, making laps around the nursing home and just reading and dancing. We would dance sometimes and things like that. And you know, I, she's getting up, she's moving, she's eating well. You know what I mean? And it, it seems really these, when I'm saying it, it seems like such a minute change, but I understand like, especially living in America, how intricate and difficult it can be to do better and eat better and the access to these things, um, and to exercise and things like that. Um, I do know it's so difficult, but if you can't do it, It'll only be, it'll only be great for you and your health. Health really is wealth. Because if you don't have your health, yeah, I mean essentially you have nothing. Number eleven, I would say, Lean on your support system and maintain those important relationships. I'm putting that all in one. For me, it's always been very difficult to lean on people and ask for help. Um, Since the birth of my son and, when I was pregnant with him, it had gotten a lot better and it's progressively getting better. As well as me leaning on them and me being more open, I guess, and upfront about certain things. Like in my life or I guess things that I think are important to me Just I don't know cuz I feel like sometimes I've been closed off I'm like people don't really know what's going on with me. And it's like I don't Well, sometimes I do it purposefully but um Not all the time Not all the time. So I've gotten better with that, and I've definitely gotten better with, like I said, um, just reaching out to people when I need, when I need help. I don't like to, and I kind of refuse now to sit for in silence. Like, that's not really a thing of mine. If I feel something, I'm gonna say it. And also, like I said, like maintaining those important relationships. I definitely need to work on that because I feel like, you know, I'd be lifing, but I also feel like that's not an excuse. Um, but I do try, you know, when I think of people, I try to just text them in the moment or call them in the moment, right when I'm thinking of them, because a lot of times if I don't like a lot of time will go by and, um, Yeah, unfortunately, like, I just won't talk to them and, um, I'm already really bad at texting. So, it's just, it's just a whole thing. It's, it's something that I'm struggling with a bit and I'm just trying to juggle, I'm just trying to juggle a lot of things at once. There's a lot of moving pieces, a lot of new things happening, so it's. It's hard, but family and friends, I really am trying my best. I'm trying my best. I really am, but I will, I know I will get to a place where it won't be like that. And not only will I be able to stay in touch more, but I'll be able to see everybody more consistently, so I'm excited about that. It's all gonna come together in due time, it's just, I kind of hate that it's like this now, but not for long guys, not for long. Number twelve. I would say don't take yourself too seriously. Again, I'm working on that. But like, don't. Like, Why? Why do you need to be so uptight and so serious for? Loosen up a bit. You know what I mean? In all settings. Just be. Just be. Yeah, you don't have to take yourself too seriously. You don't have to be a certain way all the time. You know what I mean? Loosen up. It's okay. Show yourself. Let yourself shine. You really don't know the type of people and opportunities, experiences, and things and stuff like that, that will come to you just being you, just showing yourself to whomever, you know what I mean? So loosen up and let those wings fly, honey. Stop having, like, imposter syndrome or Second guessing yourself, just, what I say, just do it. Like Nike. Don't take yourself too seriously. Life's too short for that. And, number thirteen. We're gonna end this, um, in this episode here on number 13, half of 26, honey. And I guess I'll see you, next week with part two, but half of 26, 13. Hmm. I would say, look what I've learned. I learned that this is a video game. This is a video game. And You know, instantly I started thinking about sims. This is, I am a sim character. This is a video game. I am, you know, always creating and altering my character. I am always evolving. I have created a family. But, um, thinking about life as a video game and yourself as like a character, and you know, I think really simplifies and makes it, makes life a little, a little less serious, a little more forgiving, and you just, you know, You instantly understand it on a different level, like, this is literally a video game. It's a video game. The world is the console. Now if we don't get this, Global warming and pollution and all this stuff together, the console gone. Shut off, but We're never talking about that. Um But for real, this is a video game and that also makes me feel so much better about life, too when you think about it in the video game, like Because what do you do in the video game? Yeah, you explore, you do all the stuff, but uh, but um You can fail And that's okay Cuz you know why? You just restart the game again. That's all you do. You just restart. And then, it's brand new. So if you just restart, everything's fine. It's literally like it never happened. But, it did happen, now you have the knowledge. Now you have the knowledge, right? So play it again. Play the game again. Play it however many times. You're gonna win. Winner of the odds Come on. The odds are for you. You're gonna win. This is a video game. None of this stuff matters. Okay, it does. It does matter, guys. Don't, don't take it to heart. It does matter. But, Not the little stuff. Don't sweat the little stuff. This is just a video game. You're just creating your character. Just going through life. Bye. That's it. It's pretty simple here guys, you know. Now there's a lot of other variables that are outside of our control, but we focus on what we can control. All right, this is a video game. Oh my goodness. Anyways, like I said, we're going to end on number 13 because if we continue we're going to be here all day. And that's not what I want. And I don't think that's what you want either. And even if you did want it, honey, you're not getting it from me, not today. But I hope that you guys enjoyed this a little bit. And it made you think. Think about what you've learned. And, or what you need to continue learning. Um, y'all got stuff to work on. We're all works in progress. Nobody's perfect. I don't aim to be. I just aim to be me. My little character in this game. And I can say that I'm very proud of myself and my character. I love I love this game. I love this game This game this game has been you know, all that's come with it. I have some talents this game has been Pretty damn good. I'm, sorry Pretty damn good So I hope you guys Continue to love the video game that you're in. And if not, baby, put another disc in, okay? Put another disc in, that's it. Play with different rules. But I think that wraps this episode up. You know, the sun has officially set on this episode of Stage and Sunshine. I thank you all for rocking with me through this, you know, transition kind of crazy time. Uh, I'm trying to keep it going strong, y'all. I feel like from the beginning, it's just been kind of a lot of stuff getting in the way of this, but I am not over it. Finished. Okay. So, we're gonna keep going. I'm gonna keep, um, playing this part of the video game as much as I can. And, I hope that you guys have an amazing, amazing weekend. thank you to all the amazing fathers out there, we need you, we love you, we support you, and happy father's day to you, and a happy birthday to me, all you bitches is my sons, let me get off this microphone and stop playing y'all. Like I said, I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend. Happy Juneteenth. Happy birthday to me. Happy Father's Day and Woop woop, let's turn up Signing off Oh,